We love Tuesdays.
Tuesday mornings is when the bins get collected.
It starts with the 6am drumming and kraplonkering of the garbage trucks coming up the lane.
Then a "tweep-tweep-tweep" as the 1st garbo reverses closer to our house.
But by that time we're already on high alert.
We sleep inside, you see (direct descendants of the common house cat, would you believe it!)
But that doesn't stop us from picking up the first signs of "Tuesday Morning" (super-sonic hearing).
We vividly BARK our little noggins off. We dance and prance around the house and thus indicate that we HAVE to get outside to "greet" the "tweep-tweep-tweep" which involves EVERYONE having to get up of course. Hey, we're only being friendly. Not our fault it's currently winter and freezing cold and too dark to be standing out on the dewy deck in old-fashioned pyjamas.
And as luck would have it, we not only get one sort of garbage collected on a Tuesday mornings, no, TWO!! So the whole thing happens twice over.
Boy, what a festival - every Tuesday morning.
It get's better!!!
Since we're all up, we might as well go for a walk.
With all the emptied (or not so emptied) bins around, some lying on their back, we follow the irresistible scent of Bin Juice. Delightful.
Sometimes, there are BITS which we immediately try to hoover up before the pinkie yanks on the lead.
She doesn't know what she's missing. Yumalicious Bin-Juice-covered BITS. Arrrr.....
But when she really gets upset is when one of us tries (and sometimes succeeds) to climb and crawl into the tipped-over bins to get to the heavenly sweet-smelling jackpot of 10 year-old festered substance while the other distracts her with walking off into the opposite direction or pretending to go potty.
Hooray! We love Tuesday mornings!!
After all that activity we retreat to our Banana Lounge and enjoy the morning sun - we don't have to go to work!
Whoop whoop,
Monday, June 7, 2010
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Our bin day is Thursdays.....we get up early every day, but though our walks are getting later, we still love sniffing the bins. Then the wheelie bin cleaner comes and we bark at him. Yep, you've summed up bin day perfectly!
ReplyDeleteXXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella
Your Tuesday morning sounds even better than ours! Our bins are emptied too, but all we get to do is have a cuddle with the bin guy - he's really nice.
Finni xx
You have got it made!! We don't have a bin day. Mom is our "garbage-man" and takes the trash to the dump when the bins get full. But we know we would love that bin juice if we ever got to roach in it.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Ciao miei amici!
ReplyDeleteSanta vacca! We are Tuesday Trash Types, too! While I, Lucia, greatly enjoy the process of gathering up the trash in the house on Monday evenings (mostly, I attempt to help ungather it .... heeeeeeee!!!), I am generally still tucked snugly inside my crate come Tuesday morning, when the garbage truck rumbles by at the undogly hour of 4:30 a.m. Si, si, I will own up to subdued yipping and grumbling when I hear the tweep-tweep-clatter sounds outside the window, but as I know it is BEYOND THE REALM OF ALL POSSIBILITY to bootjack la mia ragazza out from beneath her Himalayanish pile of quilts and pillows to get outside for magnificent tipped-bin examination, I generally just burrow back into my crate blankets and speculate on what might have been: stacks of old newspapers to shred, torn bags of refrigerator dregs to sniff, heaps of discarded toys to steal away ... this is the stuff of my paradise ... lost. Sigh.
Of course, I DO investigate the indoor trash cans with exceptional vigor and enthusiasm, usually multiple times a day, and frequently come away with smatterings of fluff and deliciousness which I stealthily conceal in secret places where la mia ragazza is sure to gasp in disgust upon their discovery, but it's just not the same as getting to insert my whole Lucia self into a tipped bin. Ah, life can be so unjust....!!!
On a brighter note, how are you, dear ragazze??? La mia ragazza says to tell your mama that the pillow is immensely clever, and that she could never begin to create such a thing herself ... in part because when she gets anywhere near me with clippers or stripping combs, I dart off like a big, furry birdie!!! Heeeeee!!!
Tanti baci!
miss inky and miss molly!!!
ReplyDeletewe're baaaack! teehee. summer camp was lotsa funsies, but i totally missed visiting all my bloggie friendz!
okie dokie, now to the good stuff! these tuesday bin days of yours sound ridiculously awesome!! the booker man would give his 2 front paws for a good wiff and lick of bin juice! my mama would string me by my toesies if i got into that stuff. heeheehee.
our bin day is on monday, but our bin dudes are totally unpredictable like. sometimes they come super early in the morning...sometimes they don't come 'til supper time...and sometimes they don't even come until tuesday!!
the booker man
Inky and Molly-
ReplyDeleteThat's yucky....but I love your picture in the doggy hammock. I'm going to ask for one of those. Must be nice and cool in the summer!
Oh was habt ihr für lustige Müll-Geschichten!
ReplyDeleteWir haben auch Dienstag Mülltag. Jeden 2. Dienstag. Und jeden 2. Donnerstag Papier und Plasteabfall. Mama sagt, ich sollte von Euch lernen und richtig Rabatz machen. Sie vergisst nämlich manchmal die Müttonne vor das Haus zu stellen. Mir ist es nämlich egal, was vorn auf der Strasse passiert. Sie möchte nun, dass ich wie alle anderen Airedales hier das Müllauto melde...Hm, mal sehen, ob ich ihr den Gefallen mache. Muss ich verhandeln. Für Futterchen tue ich ja fast alles.
Für Inky und Mollys Mama:
Die Welt ist klein: Scharmützelsee. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn man sich im Falle eines Besuches irgendwann bei der Freundin, treffen könnte.
Wo sind denn in Deutschland Deine Wurzeln?
Meine Heimat ist eigentlich Berlin (Ost-Berlin), aber auf dem Lande lebt es sich besser und ruhiger.
Liebe Grüße
Mischka und violett
Ours is Monday!
ReplyDeleteIn fakht, since it was so nice Sunday night, Mom had the windows open so we got to hear their pre-6am arrival!
Of khourse, I don't get to run out and enjoy the benefits woo do!
icky bin juice....but we love the hammock...will be shopping for one tonight!
ReplyDeleteHere's the website for the Flag on Violet's blog.
LOL! I bet your two-leggers feel differently about Tuesday mornings. :)
ReplyDeleteOh you look soooo comfortable in your hammock. So comfy it makes us wonder if it would discourage hooman bed hopping??hmmmm. It's heading toward summer here in N.Idaho, but we're still having lovely cool weather. AND lots of rain. Mommy says it sure beats Phoenix,Arizona with it's 110degree temps already. (Poor Daddy.)
BabyRD and Hootie
Our garbage is collected on Tuesdays too! Mitch snagged a new squeakie toy on one of our walkies on Tuesday! yahooooooooo- freebies!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great picture of the two of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Archie and Wilberforce say: Tuesday is our bin day too and along with our mates, Sid and Higgins we give the collectors a good barking at. It is so much fun as we get to do it all again when the postman and milkman call too. Well a dog needs a hobby.
ReplyDeleteInky and Molly
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a sweel day! I don't undestand why youw mom isn't as enthoosed about it ..I cewtainly would be..hoomans just don't have the level of goowmandeez abilities.
Mommi thanks you fow the special lickies on hew eyes. You helped make hew feel lots bettew!
I love looking at you snooze on youw welaxing hammock..such a pawfect day
smoochie kisses
If we weren't such late sleepers and lazy lugs in the bed on early mornings, we 'd say we'd love to be at your house on Tuesday mornings. It sounds like fun. From OUR perspective.
ReplyDeleteReconsidering our routines,
Jake and Fergi