Well I have been one sick puppy!

Here I am with my coat and neck warmer. I've had pneumonia. It all started with a cough and within a few days I had high fever and was shivering, looking rather wilted and I was off my food (could you believe it!).
I got taken to the vet and they shoved you know what up my almighty. Then they listened to my chest while prodding an poking me- all not very nice.
Next up were needles and some horribly yuck tasting tabbies.
I am still on the tabbies, but I haven't been coughing again for a few days now.
But the most important thing is (obviously) that I am keen (very keen) on food again, so all is well, thanks for asking.
We are still trying to work out how I got it because I am vaccinated regularly against just about anything and everything that's in the book. Anyway, the vet says, these things just happen. Well, I guess that's where the saying "as sick as a dog" comes from. I really was quite ill.
I have spent the week in the confinement of our home. BORING to say the least.
But mum found me a sunny spot in her studio

and she even pulled the blinds up so I could look out and observe the neighbour's cat - my favourite toy.
I probably have put on a few pounds over the last couple of days, too, because the pinkie has served ALL my favourite treats multiple times a day.
Because I haven't been able to walk or run or chase, my family has been taking me for drives around the place to "stimulate my mind" as is necessary for every Airedale.
My dad has also been quite sick and he's been sneezing and coughing his noggin' off, too.
Mum's computer has also been sick and had in fact go to the doctor himself.
She uses her computer for work (and to help us blog of course) and having to spread her work between two other (older) computers that are WAY slower has been driving her nuts. Honestly, I think I'll be taking her for drives next, just to stimulate her mind positively which is necessary with every pinkie.
Finally, the pinkie has fallen ill herself. As I am writing this, she is begging me to tuck her in for the night as she's had enough. So I guess, I had better return the favour and look after her this time.

Hey, because I have spent all this time bored at home I had time to be creative.
I have set up my very own shop (call me a business woman) at cafepress.
You can buy some terrific black and tan merchandise there so come on by!!
Hasta la vista,