The beach down there is our favourite spot in the world and we just let loose as soon as we are released at the top of the steps leading down to the beach.
I myself, Inky, always like to rub and roll myself in any cull or rotten debris that I can find so I was ever so pleased when I came accross a dead sea gull - fantastic. This always seems to upset Elfi, so I really have to get on with it before she stomps towards me through the sand like a fool and starts yelling at me... come on, don't yell... It's fun, why don't you try??!!
Riley thought he'd help me out when he came and snappeled the carcass up as soon as I hopped off, and sure enough, he got told off too...hehehe...
Anyway, we both had a bit of a bath after, in the giant whirl pool with the salty water, to make peace with Elfi again.
Then we continued mongreling around with the other boys and girls chasing the frisbee and the balls that Maree tirelessly threw for us. We like her!!!
After a while the clouds started to close in on us and the ladies preferred to relocate to a nearby café. Boy I wish I hadn't been so cheeky in nipping Mandrake in the back of the neck (which freaked him out a bit, he must be old or something...) as I got tied up and left out in the rain following my foolishness. Sorry Mandrake I like you, really...
After all the excitement I didn't have any strength left in me to carry on with my usual naughty behaviour in the car, so I decided to give in and snooze, along with the others, all the way home, saving up energy for my next chance to go mental again (love it!)
After a day of such strenuous activities it is always nice to get tucked in at night with a special cuddle from Elfi and Tim (they say they love us). Their place is a bit of a mess at the moment as they are renovating our home, but we don't care as we get wrapped up in the proverbial cotton wool anyway.
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