We've a very special xmas surprise...
Meet Mr Tweet.
He arrived Christmas Eve with a big white box with little windows up the top...
The house was instantly filled with VERY interesting smells and I could not help myself but hoover around the house and get my schnozzie as close as possible to the little mate and his box.
The story is that Auntie Ange has a hobby farm and needed somedoggie to baby sit the brood while they went away on holidays.
ME! I'll babysit the duck!
Mmmmhhhh, duckie, come here...I will take care of you...
Oh, you smell so good....I bet you are real tasty too...
Oops, did I say that?
Ehem, no, of course not, I wouldn't hurt the little fellah... noooooooo.....
Anyway, the agreement was that if the duckie got hurt, I would get hurt so I play the game...
So anyway, it was Christmas Day and #2 arrived...
Needless to say, we called him Jesus.
There was a whole bunch of noise coming out of the special white box and before we knew it more people started to hatch. No wonder they were calling so loud. Someone had locked them inside a bunch of stinky eggs and covered them in smelly goop so they couldn't move...
How cruel, I would scream and peck until they got me out of there, too...
I tell ya what: These little fellahs have been keeping me up ALL night, for quite a few nights in a row.
You should smell the smell...it's just sooooo good...How can you sleep with that in the next room?
So I am up ALL night and when I am up with a special project on my mind ( I am just too dedicated, can't help it), nobody in the house gets any sleep. That's just how it goes. Only fair...
Finally, we had seven Tweeties all up and apparently they require a bit of upkeep - and you thought Airedales did, tseh...
See the nice clean sheets they have in their crate there?
Well, it doesn't take seven duckies long to make a complete mess of it...
So out they come and get put into another box (let me help)...
...while the maid cleans up their mess (I'll watch the duckies)...
Then they have another feed and the whole process starts over again...
Anyway, we all fell in love with the duckies and will miss them terribly (luckily, the smell will linger a little bit longer) ...