
Monday, January 4, 2010

Our xmas and NY adventures

Hi all. There has been too much going on to be posting about it all day long but we thought we'd fill you in briefly...

Our xmas starts the 24th of December due to the German element in the family.
So we got ALL our presents on Heiligabend, Christmas Eve.

See the stocking, Janie? Pinkie got the message and did fill it to the rim with surprises.

Inky scored this little critter (which lasted for all of two minutes before its tail and squeek magically disappeared)...

And Molly got a new friend that squeeks from all four feet (thank you Andy and Amanda!)...

We also got some new toys from our big pal Riley...

which came together with a lovely card and letter from him and his new little sister Bonnie...

And of course lot of treats...

We celebrated the night with 7 pinkies and 4 Dales and some may think we had a wild party...

but that's just how the pinkies are normally.
See what we have to put up with? (Sigh)

Thank Dog we had Lili and Osca there to help us cope...

The next morning, Christmas Day, it was off to Melbourne to celebrate with Dad's side of the family.

More pressies...

And we even got our own feet...

They squeek and look great strewn around the house! Thank you grandma!

Then Boxing Day we had a stampede of people at our house and were too busy being good Dale hosts to take any photos.

NYE we celebrated with Osca and Lili again at their ranch in Moriac, outside Geelong.
It was a scorcher and we very much enjoyed having a dip in their Dale pool.
We stayed the night and guarded the ranch while the pinkies were out celebrating at a Blues festival and didn't come home until the next morning.

The neighbours can attest that we did a good job at barking, ahem, guarding ALL NIGHT and that WE didn't sleep one bit. Aren't the pinkies lucky to have us?
As soon as the night shift was finished, we collapsed in a heap and it took us a couple of days of lazing about to recover.

So there you have it. That's how we got through the silly season. And silly we were (biggify)....



  1. Woo are SOME pawty animals!

    Tank woo fur sharing it with us!

    I got a new Kong Wubba too - but mine is PURPLE!


  2. Looks like you had a wonderful time! Those little rubber toys don't last long here either. We love to de-squeek them immediatlely. You did some traveling over the holidays! We just did 1500 miles from farrr N.Idaho to Phoenix, Arizona. Now we need to stretch our legs at a dog park...maybe tomorrow.
    XXOO-BabyRocketDog and Hootie

  3. Ciao amici!

    Santa vacca, am I, Lucia, the first to comment!?!? It's a first for me to be first!!!

    Dear pals, your last fotografia in this postie looks like a magnificent 'dale mashup. Are you snuggling or are you -- as they say in Gooberstan -- snasslin'? Hmmmmm ....!!

    Mille grazie for stopping by my bloggie, even after I was away for so long. Here's an extra-large smoochie of appreciation from me to you: MUAHHHHH!!!

    Tanti baci!

  4. Ah yes, we open our pressies on Christmas eve to. Ours are just about all in the toy cemetery now except for the ones D took off us....meanie
    looks like you all had a fun Christmas and new year.

    Noah x

  5. What a fun holiday the two of you had! The pawtying seems to never end! You sure did get lots of nice pressies!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  6. What fun!! We love that picture.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

  7. Lovely pressies gurrrls! It looks like you guys had a great holiday, and oh my, your pinkies are like ummm...hooman form of know what I mean?


    Love nibbles,
    Miss Sunshade

  8. Inky and Molly,
    I am so happy your pinkies listened and filled your stocking! You got so many great things! I got left at home alone on NYE while mama was toasting with champagne! Your pinkies are so silly! I see you finally dressed them in santa costumes! hehe

  9. Inky und Molly,
    da hattet Ihr aber ein tolles Weihnachtsfest und Sylvester. Weihnachten war bei mir ja noch alles toll. 2 Besuchs-Hunde, viele Menschen, Geschenke. Alle waren lieb zu mir ... aber Sylvester fand ich gar nicht nett. Ich weiß nicht sterben, was Menschen da draußen für ein Lärm machen, Schießen, knallen, Pfeifen und grelles Licht. Mama sagt, ich hätte gezittert. Sie konnte nicht auf die Straße gehen, musste mich die ganze Zeit streicheln. Nun ist alles schon vergessen. Ich genieße das Leben. Ich wünsche Euch ein ganz tolles Hundejahr. Bleibt gesund, auch Eure Zweibeiner. Ich freue mich, Euch in den Weiten des www. gefunden und kennengelernt zu haben.
    Euer deutscher Blogkumpel Mischka
    Liebe Grüße auch von meinem Frauchen.

  10. Wow, Inky and Molly

    Sounds like you had a fantastic Christmas! No wonder you were worn out! Loved all the photos!

    take care

  11. Hello Inky and Molly it's Fozzie here. I love your blog - I am new to blogging as you know, I think I have lots to learn! Happy New Year and thanks for visiting my blog
    Fozzie the Furbaby

  12. I love your Santa outfits and the feet are great. Love,Neko

  13. Woaaaaahhhh. Who's that dude in the red imitating me at your shin dig? Darn it. Wish I'd been at that wild party with mad dogs and Australians.

    Wiry wags. Eric xx


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