
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We've had babies!

Hi all

We've a very special xmas surprise...

Meet Mr Tweet.

He arrived Christmas Eve with a big white box with little windows up the top...

The house was instantly filled with VERY interesting smells and I could not help myself but hoover around the house and get my schnozzie as close as possible to the little mate and his box.

The story is that Auntie Ange has a hobby farm and needed somedoggie to baby sit the brood while they went away on holidays.

ME! I'll babysit the duck!

Mmmmhhhh, duckie, come here...I will take care of you...

Oh, you smell so good....I bet you are real tasty too...

Oops, did I say that?

Ehem, no, of course not, I wouldn't hurt the little fellah... noooooooo.....

Anyway, the agreement was that if the duckie got hurt, I would get hurt so I play the game...

So anyway, it was Christmas Day and #2 arrived...

Needless to say, we called him Jesus.

There was a whole bunch of noise coming out of the special white box and before we knew it more people started to hatch. No wonder they were calling so loud. Someone had locked them inside a bunch of stinky eggs and covered them in smelly goop so they couldn't move...

How cruel, I would scream and peck until they got me out of there, too...

I tell ya what: These little fellahs have been keeping me up ALL night, for quite a few nights in a row.
You should smell the's just sooooo good...How can you sleep with that in the next room?

So I am up ALL night and when I am up with a special project on my mind ( I am just too dedicated, can't help it), nobody in the house gets any sleep. That's just how it goes. Only fair...

Finally, we had seven Tweeties all up and apparently they require a bit of upkeep - and you thought Airedales did, tseh...

See the nice clean sheets they have in their crate there?

Well, it doesn't take seven duckies long to make a complete mess of it...

So out they come and get put into another box (let me help)...

...while the maid cleans up their mess (I'll watch the duckies)...

Then they have another feed and the whole process starts over again...

Anyway, we all fell in love with the duckies and will miss them terribly (luckily, the smell will linger a little bit longer) ...



  1. Oh my what wonderful presents. Good thing that got to you in time for hatching. We know you'll take good care of them!

  2. They are so cute! You guys did a wonderful job taking care of them, it looks like a lot of work, but so rewarding watching all those babies.

  3. What a pawfect Chwissmuss pwesent bwand new baby duckies..I bet you make a pawfect duckie sittew.
    They awe adowable
    smoochie kisses

  4. Those are some fun little house guests! Stanzie would be a very bad bird sitter.....


  5. OMD! They are just adorable!!!

    Your pal, Pip

  6. We love duckies!! What a wonderful Christmas surprise. We have one now that is will be 10 years old in the spring. And we have had two other ones in the past. We do anything just to hold one. Nothing better than a little ducky!!

  7. So, was that a starter kit fur dukhk fillet treats?


  8. Aren't they just sooooooo cute! Positively duckalicious!

    Happy sitting!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  9. How adorable they are! We're so glad they didn't turn into snackies!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. Oh my, now that is just too cute. They are adorable.
    Molly & Inky, D says please take care with those little duckies around.
    We say nom nom nom....errrr only kidding.

    Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

  11. As messy and smelly as they were, Mom misses having ducks. Too cute!


  12. We don't think we'd have the patience that you have - one of those duckies would have been toast (or served with toast).

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

  13. Oh they are cute, how come they have gone! you didn't eat them did you!!!
    Pop by my bloggie, there's a post up about the gifts you sent me. Also I have something brewing!
    See Yea George xxx

  14. Duck sitting at Christmas ... that sounds like fun! And we sure the thought that they are tasty was just a fleeting one ...
    Wir wuenschen Euch einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue jahr!
    Finni & Nelly

  15. What great pet sitters you guys are, those ducks are prosh!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  16. Oh, sind die niedlich! Aber ich weiß nicht, ob ich sie so gut wie ihr beschützt hätte. Wenn Mama die ganze Zeit neben mir gestanden hätte, dann ja. Ich bin ein Barfhund und werde roh ernährt. Vielleicht.....nein, ich will das jetzt nicht schreiben.
    Ihr habt Euren Job gut gemacht!
    Liebe Grüße
    Mischka und seine Nervensäge Hoover

  17. Aww, so very precious! What a fun Christmas surprise for you Molly and Tess. They were very lucky to have you looking after them.
    Happy New Year!'


  18. Oh, they are adorable! So glad you have that "deal" with your parents:-)
    We love that last photo of your nose!

    Happy New Year to you all!

  19. UMMM Birds....That would have been TOO exciting for me. Spaniels want to chase birds!!

    You guys showed great control with those duckies.

    Sam aka SAMMY :o}

  20. Hi Friends,

    I just wanted to let you know that your package arrived safely! I absolutely LOVE my gifts - especially the squeaky ball. And thanks for the lovely cards for my mom! I am going to do a post tomorrow (Wednesday) with pictures of the gifts so be sure to stop by!

    Thanks again!!!!

    Your pal, PIp

  21. Wow, those little guys are super cute! Good for you for taking such good care of them!

  22. Wow Molly this was quite a special Christmas gift for you. 7 ducky duddles to add noise and more animal love to your home! Are they all gone now??
    BabyRocketDog and Hootie

  23. Wow, that's really cool. I haven't ever smelled a tweetie before but I smelled my friend the cat once and he smelled like chicken :)

  24. miss molly!

    holy cow! you got to babysit the little duckies! what a totally lucky ducky you are! they are soooo cutesies!! and i know you would nevarrr evarrr want to eat them... ;)

    the booker man

  25. Oh dear. We are embarrassed to say we've been eating duck jerky for the past few weeks. And we LOVE it! And it smells really really good, too. We hope there is no relationship.

    Jake and Fergi


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