
Monday, October 18, 2010

Doggie Bloggie Awardification

Thank you Maggie and Mitch for passing this award onto us!!

 Here are the rules: 

1. Thank the ones that gave it to you and link to them - Done!

2. Name 10 things about yourself. Try to be as creative as possible.

Molly first:

1. I am insatiable! Some people call me Monster. Not very nice, is it now?!

2. I am a mommy's girl! I go all funny when she's not around...

3. I need my own queen-sized bed! I stretch out big and I love my family, BUT...

4. I had a tough childhood but am now in the best family ever! Thank you!

5. One time, I ate a corn cob and I nearly died. My family was very sad and didn't understand where the friggin thing came from (they never gave it to me). No one even knew I had it in me because I never did say and the first vet was stupid. It was lucky, there was another vet, a smart one. He eventually pulled it out. But after 5 days of not eating and drinking, 3 days in the hospital and one major operation I think I will never do that again. Apparently it was a very expensive corn cob.

6. I am absolutely gorgeous, stunning...apparently. Well, it must be true, they keep telling me every day!

7. I get tired from being silly. Sometimes it happens from one second to the next. First, really silly. Then, two seconds later, really tired. Boom!

8. I get annoyed with  my little sister but apparently that's "normal".

9. I can climb trees. But often I make do with climbing on a bench or a table. I enjoy the view.

10. My famolly call me a zillion names, but not Molly.

The Inky Pups:

1. I might be a cripple but I do have a good go at life!

2. I am the smallest Airedale in town. They say I was the runt but the truth is, when I was about 8 months old my dad called me Thumbelina and I thought, well, sod it, I am going to stop growing now.
That'll learn him...

3. I like fish, a lot!

4. My favouristest thing in the world is going for a SWIM. I like it even better if the pinkie goes with me. But I go by myself a lot too. See body of water - must go in!

5. I sleep with mum. I wait until she's fast asleep. Then, around 2am, I hop on her bed, sneak in UNDER the duvets (I like it real hot and don't need much oxygen, I am only small after all) and sort of find the spot where I mould into best. Then she wakes up a little later, too tired to do anything about it, and, desperate for sleep, she lets me get away with it. I win!

6. I am obedient but often pretend not to be. Just for fun.

7. I LOVE going to the beach!

8. I love clobbering Molly and biting her in the leg or bum. So much fun!

9. I am spoilt rotten because I deserve it.

10. I love giving it to people with my little tongue. They get so excited!

3. Then award this to 15 other doggie bloggers. It doesn't matter if they are old or new, all furfriends deserve this award.

The Bookerman, H Ski, Bocci, Asta, Hollie & Janie, The Scampering Scotties, Mr Pip, The Thuglets, Teddy Bear, The Two Special Wires, Maggie Mae, Madi & mom, Karen & Bentley, the wonderful peeps at Scotsmad & Khyra!

4. Comment on the receivers blog to let them now about the Love.

That will take us some time...

5. And the most important~~~Have Fun!!
oh, we did!


 Inky and Molly


  1. You ate a corncob? Oh man! I am so relieved that it came out OK. That must have been really scary.


  2. Hallo Inky und Molly,
    da hat es Euch in solch ein tolles Land verschlagen.
    War ganz überrascht wegen des Kommentars auf meinem Blog.
    Echt klasse.
    Eine Bloggerin hat mich drauf aufmerksam gemacht,das Nüsse zu viel Blausäure haben.
    Das hat getroffen,zum Glück hatte jeder nur 2 bekommen.
    Aus Fehlern lernt man ;0(
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Award!!
    Werde mir die 10 Punkte zu Gemüte führen ;0)
    Herzlichste grüße,

  3. You deserved your smashingest award Inkies and a Molly.And your 20 things were most enlightening and some of 'em downright alarming. No wonder the pinkies were broken.

    Wiry love Eric xx

  4. We are so glad you survived the corn cob incident, Molly! OMG, how scary!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. Khongrats on the pawesome award -

    AND WOW: do woo have some good stuff to share!

    Thanks fur pawing it along to me!


  6. Those were some pretty (ouch) interesting things you shared! Thanks!!

    Hugs & smoochies! XOXO

  7. Congrats on your awardie! I enjoyed reading and learning more about you both!

    Me and my momma thinks you are both just adorables!!


  8. Firstly, thank you for your lovely message on our loss of Ellie.

    Congrats on your award..we love learning all about our friends.

    Thank you for passig the award to thats going to take some thinking about!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  9. miss molly and miss inky!
    gratsers on your doggie bloggie award! yeehaw!! :)
    let's woof about your factoids for just a hot minute. you ate a corn cob, miss molly?! ohmygoodness. that must have been so scary, and i'm really super glad that you are a-okay. oh, and i wanna see video proofs of you climbin' a tree! heehee. miss inky, i was totally the runt of my litter, too. oh, and i loooove biting my big sis asa in the leggie as well. sneak attack for the win!
    thankies bunches 'n tons for passing on your award to little ol' me! you are uber kind! :)

    the booker man

  10. Oh no, Inky how can you sleep under the doona. I would die under there. Tess likes sleeping with the pinkies too but on top of the doona.

    Noah x

  11. Molly monster and itty bitty inkster!
    I love getting to know you better since you don't bloggie too often. MOlly what does baked Inky taste like?

  12. Congratulations! It was nice to learn new things about you!


  13. Wow! We were just over at Maggie and Mitch's and saw that they awarded you with this amazing honor! You so deserve it! It's always fun to read little bits of trivia about our friends. (You climb trees, Molly? We love fish, too, Inky!) And then we saw that you awarded it to US! Little ole us! Wow! Thank you! We'll admit straight up ... it's hard enough getting Moma to keep up with our reading and writing times, but we're gonna try our BEST to follow through with this VeryCoolAward!

    Thanks, friends,
    Jake and Fergi


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