
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Molly's secret life and an Inky update

Hey all, it's Molly here.

That little Inkypup of ours, she hasn't been any good. Her leggie doesn't seem to be functioning like it used to. She just had another set of x-rays taken last Friday (yep, another general anaesthetic) and it appears the knee still hasn't healed yet (I could have told you that).

So most activities and the family's active lifestyle have been somewhat on hold since IT happened. BORING!! She just hangs around the place and has mainly turned into a couch potato.

Poor thing. Not much else she can do really. The pinkies have been taking her for drives instead of walks and the other day we went for "a carry". That's when you get your pinkie to carry you while the rest of the family is walking. Down by the river. Lovely.

Mind you, the whole thing has been a bit, shall we say, unfulfilling for me. I still NEED to go crazy. And I miss the beach.

I know, Inky misses it more. Her other name is Little Miss Beach and Lady-swims-a-lot.
However, just because one of us has drawn the bad luck card (big time), doesn't mean we all have to put our lives on hold.

So I have been recruiting my friend Winnie, aka the Wintah Dog, to fill in for the Inkypup.

I put on my party ears on...

and invited her to come down to the beach with me.

So here is one thing you have to promise me all:


I know she would be well upset if she found out that a) we've been going to the beach and b) we have been going without her and c) we have been going with another pup.

And I simply don't want to worsen her mental state any more than it already is.

Anyway, the Wintah Dog and I have been having some fun!!

We've been going for a swim together...

We've been running wild together..

Until all tongues were extended out to the max...

But because I love my little sissie so much, I've also invited Wintie and her mum to our house so she could at least join in the party there.

See Winnie sitting on the bench with her pinkie?

Anyway, we all had bones...

Until I decided I should have all three of them...

Hey, I deserve it. I have been going the craziest on the B and I need nourishment!

And it seems that my friend Winnie, after all our adventures together, has turned into a couch potato herself...

Can you please send me someone that has the same energy levels as me?!!!



  1. I'd love to BUT all that water between us seems to be an issue!


  2. Well Molly, I might be your match, me Lass! It's me McMuffer. McGillicutty, me son, is in about the same shape as Inkypup. Those poor, poor souls. Hey- Is Laciebeastienursiebadgirliecakes coming to YOUR house too? Or is she just doing house calls here to annoy me? Me hopes Inky gets better soon, and I am so happy that Wintah pup is there to keep you company. Maybe I can join you, and leave McG and Inky on the sofa!

    Irish Love,

  3. We'd send Piper but with his short little leggies we don't think he'd make the swim.

    The Rocky Creek Scotties

  4. Hope you get well soon, Inky! I have a limpy leg that is being x-rayed this week too! It's hard for an Airedale to be a couch potato.


  5. We wont tell Inky about your fun with Winnie. Poor Inky, we thought she'd be on the mend by now. Inky, we're sending airezen for ya!!!

    Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx

  6. I'm on my way, Molly!

    Yer friend,

  7. miss molly,
    i have tons and tons and tons and tons of energies! i will come play with you!!! you could take me to the beach, would be totally funsies!
    i'm glad that miss winnie could come play with you, but i'm sad that miss inky still has a bum leggie. we'll be thinkin' good thoughts for her at my house.
    the booker man

    pee s -- we did finally get inside to our supper last night. thanks for checkin'. teehee.

  8. Molly

    I'm so sowwy little inky is still not well
    I have not fowgotten to pway fow hew and will continoo to cwoss my paws that she heals and can get back to joining you in all that beach fun..I'm glad at least youw fwiend Winnie can go wif you

    smoochie kisses

  9. Hope Inky heals quickly. I love to romp around and would like to visit a beach. Wish I lived closer.
    Hugs, Miley

  10. Er Molly, ich bin schon unterwegs!

    Arme Inky, wir haben gehofft, es geht ihr inzwischen besser.
    Alle guten Wünsche an die kleine Maus!
    Liebe Grüsse
    Mischka und violett

  11. Poor Inky. We hope she's better soon so that she can run and play, too.
    Alanis--rest is beautifying
    Miro--I could play with Molly! And play and play and play...

  12. Molly I hope Miss Inky is feeling better. I am sending Welshie kisses to make her feel better.
    Sally Ann

  13. Hmmm okay Molly. Let's make a deal! Let's say I keep my lips zipped about your rendezvous on the beach and I get something... let's say delicious.

    I wish inky felt better.

  14. Ah, Molly...whatsapup to do, huh? Yer bestest bud all laid up with a bum knee and you wanting to go for a romp. Yah just gotta cut loose sometimes and then you can come home and share secrets with the Inkster. Maybe some water therapy is in the future for Inky? I hear that is doing good over here across the big pee for pooches with knee and hip injuries. Sorta like a treadmill, but in a huge bathtubbie thingy.

    Anyways, I feel yer consternation at the current circumstance. The Puffster can't do the doggie parks anymore, so I don't get to go as much lately. SHE did cut me loose this past weekend and I think we're going to be doing more of just Bonnie outings and the Puffalump will stay home snoozin.
    Works for ME!!


  15. Oh poor litle Inky we feel so awfull for her...Will rest heal it?? Archie wants to know if he should send over a 88 inch flat screen for her(I am not too sure where he will get it but...) Listen you want energy? You want US!!!!!!!! We NEVER EVER get tired!! Like the energizer bunny!! You should see PL1+2 THEY ARE ALWAYS EXHAUSTED because of us!! Love and kisses A+A

  16. Molly Dear, I'll send you Hootie. Mommy says he scootches around so much he reminds her of a cockroach!! Zoomies all the time!! hehe.
    We are sorry to hear that Inky isn't 100%. Phoeey. It's always something, no? Well rest Inky and I'll send Hootie over to visit Molls.
    BabyRD and Hootie

  17. Molly,
    I will catch the next flight and be down to play with you in not time!! Mama says she'll join Inky as being a couch potato sounds like a great idea to her! We both hope that Inky's knee finally heals!! You are such a sweet sissie to her!! Sending all our love!!
    Janie and her mama


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